Getting Caught Up With 2013

Please excuse me while I dust the cobwebs off my site here…I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I updated Latest News. As they say, “life got in the way”. Oh, I was still making things and doing shows, it’s just that I got busy providing daycare for an infant grandchild, and then I got a temporary “paycheck job”. I kind of lost my posting mojo there for awhile. First I will get caught up with 2013, and my work so far in 2014 will be in the next post. Enjoy!

Ventura County Arts Council, “Artists Self-Portrait” exhibit, July – August 2013 in the atrium of the Hall of Administration, Ventura County Government Center. I entered my self-portrait studio quilt, What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been, and won an Honorable Mention, which was an honor considering how many entries were in the show.

What A Long Strange Trip It's Been, Ventura County Arts Council exhibit, 2013

What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been, Ventura County Arts Council exhibit, 2013

Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, August 2, 2013. “Here Kitty Kitty” show. Peekaboo, mixed media fiber art on 16″ x 20″ canvas. It now hangs in my youngest granddaughter’s room.


Peekaboo, mixed media fiber art. 2013

Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, September 6, 2013. The “Splice” show; collaborative art by two or more artists. Owl & Pussy Cat, mixed media art installation by Sarah Jenks Flesher and Barbara Wunder Hynes. My contribution was the dangling seaweed, the hanging fishing nets, and the cat’s pillow.

Collaborative mixed media art installation by Sarah Jenks Flesher and Barbara Wunder Hynes

Owl & Pussy Cat, 2013

Collaborative mixed media art installation by Sarah Jenks Flesher and Barbara Wunder Hynes

Owl & Pussy Cat (detail), 2013

Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, October 4, 2013. “The Glow Show” (all items had to glow in the dark). I wasn’t able to attend this show, but my friend Mark Tovar took this photo for me. I entered two crocheted glow in the dark mod “flip” wig hats (one is seen on a pedestal to the right).

Glow Show, 2013

Glow Show, 2013

Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, November 1, 2013. The “Pint-Sized” show (all works 5 inches or under). I hand knit two miniature sweaters associated with well-known rock stars and mounted them on painted 4″ x 4″ canvases. Here is Cobain and Sting.

Cobain (Iconic Sweaters of Rock #1), 2013. 4" x 4"

Cobain (Iconic Sweaters of Rock #1), 2013. 4″ x 4″

Sting (Iconic Sweaters of Rock #2) 4" x 4"

Sting (Iconic Sweaters of Rock #2), 2013. 4″ x 4″

Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, December 6, 2013. “Holiday Hysteria” show. I crocheted two Christmas tree hats, complete with tiny ornaments and real mini-lights, powered by a small battery pack sewn inside.

Crocheted Christmas Tree Hat, 2013

Crocheted Christmas Tree Hat, 2013

Crocheted Christmas Tree Hat, 2013

Crocheted Christmas Tree Hat, 2013

In December 2013, I participated in the annual “Bizarre Bazaar” at Green Art People in Ventura. Here is a shot of my table. It was a weekend indoor show, so I didn’t set up my full booth. I love doing this show because everyone is so friendly and I always do very well.

Bizarre Bazaar December 2013

Bizarre Bazaar, Green Art People, December 2013

That gets us caught up with last year. My next post will bring us up to speed on 2014!