Please excuse me while I dust the cobwebs off my site here…I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I updated Latest News. As they say, “life got in the way”. Oh, I was still making things and doing shows, it’s just that I got busy providing daycare for an infant grandchild, and then I got a temporary “paycheck job”. I kind of lost my posting mojo there for awhile. First I will get caught up with 2013, and my work so far in 2014 will be in the next post. Enjoy!
Ventura County Arts Council, “Artists Self-Portrait” exhibit, July – August 2013 in the atrium of the Hall of Administration, Ventura County Government Center. I entered my self-portrait studio quilt, What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been, and won an Honorable Mention, which was an honor considering how many entries were in the show.
What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been, Ventura County Arts Council exhibit, 2013
Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, August 2, 2013. “Here Kitty Kitty” show. Peekaboo, mixed media fiber art on 16″ x 20″ canvas. It now hangs in my youngest granddaughter’s room.
Peekaboo, mixed media fiber art. 2013
Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, September 6, 2013. The “Splice” show; collaborative art by two or more artists. Owl & Pussy Cat, mixed media art installation by Sarah Jenks Flesher and Barbara Wunder Hynes. My contribution was the dangling seaweed, the hanging fishing nets, and the cat’s pillow.
Owl & Pussy Cat, 2013
Owl & Pussy Cat (detail), 2013
Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, October 4, 2013. “The Glow Show” (all items had to glow in the dark). I wasn’t able to attend this show, but my friend Mark Tovar took this photo for me. I entered two crocheted glow in the dark mod “flip” wig hats (one is seen on a pedestal to the right).
Glow Show, 2013
Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, November 1, 2013. The “Pint-Sized” show (all works 5 inches or under). I hand knit two miniature sweaters associated with well-known rock stars and mounted them on painted 4″ x 4″ canvases. Here is Cobain and Sting.
Cobain (Iconic Sweaters of Rock #1), 2013. 4″ x 4″
Sting (Iconic Sweaters of Rock #2), 2013. 4″ x 4″
Stoneworks Studios and Gallery, December 6, 2013. “Holiday Hysteria” show. I crocheted two Christmas tree hats, complete with tiny ornaments and real mini-lights, powered by a small battery pack sewn inside.
Crocheted Christmas Tree Hat, 2013
Crocheted Christmas Tree Hat, 2013
In December 2013, I participated in the annual “Bizarre Bazaar” at Green Art People in Ventura. Here is a shot of my table. It was a weekend indoor show, so I didn’t set up my full booth. I love doing this show because everyone is so friendly and I always do very well.
Bizarre Bazaar, Green Art People, December 2013
That gets us caught up with last year. My next post will bring us up to speed on 2014!