My Work in Two Recent Art Exhibits

On Friday evening, January 29, the Ventura County Arts Council held the reception for the art exhibit Abstracts, which is displayed on three levels in the Hall of Administration of the Ventura County Government Center in Ventura, California. They had an overwhelming response to the call for entries…254 entries by 62 artists. Accepted were 86 wall hung pieces and several 3D pieces, now on exhibit until March 1. My studio art quilt Streamers is displayed on the fourth floor.

abstracts show1

abstracts show2

abstracts show3

abstracts show4

On Friday evening, February 5, Stoneworks Studios and Gallery in Ventura, California hosted the art exhibit From The Bottom Of Your Art. I entered an older piece, because although I started a new work, life got in the way, and January ended up being a crazy busy month. This is Dancing In The Moonlight below, a mixed media studio art quilt.

Stoneworks Feb2016